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The majority of our ales and lagers begin in the same fashion as most traditional European beers. We start with the finest malt and hops directly fired, open fermented and then the yeast is top cropped. We then transfer the nearly fermented beer into a closed vessel to allow the active yeast to naturally carbonate. We then give our fine beers time to condition, mature and develop into the best malted beverage it can be.

  Angus in Argyle, Scottish Peeted Golden Ale 4.6% ABV: This beer is the rich color of honey with aromas of spectacularly malted barley and traditional herbal/floral hops. It also has a wee touch'o peeted malt which gives it a distinctive flavor that is rarely found in typical beers. "If it's not Scottish it's crap!" (insert thick Scottish accent)

Zealander Pale Lager 4.4% ABV: Designed by our very own brewhouse minion/apprentice, Eric Shadowen. He wanted to create a Pale Lager that would be at home in the Southern Hemisphere, using only hops from New Zealand. We think he nailed it! We are serving this on cask or the dry hopped version on draught. A very smooth drinkin' malty-pale, leaning towards a fruit and flowery, hoppy presence.

Higgy Baby English IPA 5.5% ABVThe original classic India Pale Ale. Unlike its U.S. cousin this side of the pond, this traditional IPA is in complete balance between malt sweetness and hop bitterness. The flavor is reminiscent of eating a dense, moist fruit cake then rinsing your pallet clean with a dry and bitter sweet finale. It will leave your pallet beckoning for (as Ted used to say) more'ish. This beer is great on draft and spectacular at cellar temperature and pulled through a beer engine.


Osage Orange IPA 7.2% ABV: Osage Orange IPA: Fruit forward IPA made with sweet orange peels and a wee bit o' brown sugar.